

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday Morning Link Dump

Last night's game never happened, so let's get to the links.

*Because Scott Feldman needed 96 pitches to give up eight runs in 5IP, Asher Wojciechowski - scheduled to pitch today - will instead go to Fresno, and Brad Peacock will make the start for the Astros tonight.

*A.J. Hinch, on Evan Gattis breaking his 0x23 start to the season with a 9th inning single:
He cares. He cares a lot.


*A.J. Hinch has your Understatement of the Night, brought to you by Astros County, on Scott Feldman:
I don't think he had his good stuff tonight.

*Brett Oberholtzer (blister) played catch without a band-aid yesterday.

*This Will Harris fella is pretty good.

*Baseball America says that the Astros have signed Yeyfry del Rosario, released by the Blue Jays on March 31. The 20-year old had a 4.01 ERA/1.38 WHIP with 55K:24BB in 42.2IP in 2014 between short-season and Low-A Lansing.

*Best Fans In Texas: The Rangers had a five-year attendance low at Whatever Their Ballpark Is Called last night.