Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Rejected Astrowich Suggestions

Note: This originally ran on June 14. We tweeted the link to it last night as part of a project to be unveiled later this week. You responded on Twitter with some really funny additions, and this post has been updated to reflect our favorites...

Houston-area Which are offering the Astro-Wich sandwich through August 31.  

It’s piled with meat, cheese, bacon and other classic burger toppings

The following is a list of Astro-Wich sandwiches that did not make the cut (so to speak):

The Wade: A $12 sandwich, traded for three $5 Philly cheese steaks.

The Purpura: A meatball sub that costs $100 million.

The Selig: It's your favorite sandwich, but the store manager knocks it out of your hand and gives another customer your money.

The Biggio: A gritty, iconic sandwich that is thrown at your elbow.

The Caminiti: Just 100 pounds of ground beef on a metal plate.

The Lugo: A sandwich so good you'll slap your wife.

The Wallace: The best-looking sandwich you've seen in years, but you only get a "whiff" of it.

The Hurricane Ike: A tasty sandwich delivered to your home, 800 miles away.

The Randy Johnson: A foot-long sandwich that is way too expensive, but you can't resist, and damn if it isn't good while it lasts.

The Drayton: The same sandwich you've ordered for 15 years, but when you finish you can't remember why you liked it so much. 
