This comment has nothing to do with this article.
This is the first time I've stumbled upon this blog.
I just want whoever that runs this blog to know how much you suck.
If I actually cared, I would feel sorry for you. I don't get what you get out of this.
Given the 243-word unprompted comment, I'll disagree with you on the not caring part. But you do bring up a good point. What do we, collectively (the writers of Astros County), get out of this? Well, it's three-fold:
1. We would likely be reading articles about the Astros, anyway. So it's a nice little resource for Astros fans, much like us, who would like to follow along with news and random, occasional views.
2. It's a writing exercise. The County Clerk has eighteen unfinished novels about the Rape of Nanking sitting on his kitchen table. So it's good practice for him to actually be able to post something - anything - with a conclusion.
3. To engage Astros fans in conversation. Which, thanks to you, dear Citizen, we're doing!
Do you spend all day in mom's basement on the Internet researching local and national Astros articles?
No. All of us live above ground. Even in our own residences, which two of us own, and the other rents. I wouldn't call it so much "researching" as "having a pretty damn good Google Reader."
Then, you post them on a blog and make your personal opinion on the article known.
Actually, yep. That's the long and short of it.
What a creative name too, "Astros County"
Wow, was that the first thing that popped into your head?
No. Other failed blog titles were "Jeff Bagwell's Goatee," "The Ghost of Larry Andersen," "Hanging With Cecil Cooper," "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," "O, Pioneers," "Astros Blog: By Guys Who Are Unemployed Wannabe Real Sportswriters With A Big Dream In Life To Do Exactly That."
I'm guessing you're unemployed and a wannabe who's big dream in life is to be a real sportswriter.
Hey! How'd you know?! Actually, we're all quite happily employed in other capacities. The County Clerk is in politics, the Juvenile Court Clerk is a realtor, The Constable works for a non-profit organization. I run a camp for underprivileged kids. None of us have ever harbored a dream of spending 81 games on the road.
Since you're not and never will be, your jealous, wannabe nature goes after all the known Astros writers and either kisses up to them or tears them down.
That must be all that suppressed anger.
By nature, the only real options are to either kiss up to the writers, or tear them down. That varies by whatever they write. If it's a good article, sure, we'll give them a captip. If it's not, we'll respond accordingly. There isn't much room for anything in between.
Nobody even knows your name.
That means a lot, Anonymous. But it also brings up a good point. We don't post our names, because we all do aspire to climb up our corporate (or non-profit) ladders. Hopefully, when you do a Google search for our names, what comes up is work-related. Or in the case of the County Clerk, a misunderstanding regarding a hostage situation, Stockholm Syndrome, and a Chinese throwing star. And honestly, we didn't think it was that important.
I can only imagine how a conversation with a girl must go for you.
This ought to be good.
'what do u do for a living?'
So we're texting this conversation. Apparently.
'I sit around on my ass all day long surfing the Internet looking for Astros articles to put in my blog.'
It isn't all that much work, really. Especially when we can slide down the fireman's pole to the Blogging Room where we have emergency Editorial Conclaves.
'Oh, do you get paid for that.'
That's true. We don't get paid. It's called a hobby.
I think it's pathetic. Get a life, get a real job. It's one thing to be a fan, but this goes overboard.
You are the definition of 'loser.'
Is this still the conversation with the girl? Because while that was a word-for-word recreation up to the point where I asked my wife to marry me (you didn't happen to be in Seattle on New Year's Eve 2002, did you? Uncanny.), it's not all that overboard. Hanging off the edge of the starboard side, perhaps. But as long as we can maintain our families, wives, jobs, etc., we'll just keep doing what we do, and thank you for stopping by. I do apologize if your chosen web browser keeps automatically directing you to