Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Foltynewicz speaks!

The Astros' 19th overall pick Mike Foltynewicz had a few words to say upon his drafting by the Astros, following a 9-6 loss in the Illinois sectional final:

"I never had a day like this before. It is tough coming out on the losing end, but getting that phone call was an incredible feeling. I've been thinking about this a lot lately and it is a load off."

The Morris Daily Herald:
"We (the Indians) had been sharing a lot of tears about our disappointment. They were tears of sadness over losing, but then they became tears of happiness and it became a good feeling. Bobby (Witt) told me they took me at 19 and the back of the bus went crazy. Everyone in the back was trying to listen in on the conversation and then everyone went crazy. I think it kind of freaked the bus driver out because she didn't know what was happening."