MiLB Prospects put out their 2000 prospects for 2010. Could they not have found ten more to make it all clever and what not? Anyhow, here are your Astros:
#24: Jordan Lyles
#50: Jason Castro
#58: Jiovanni Mier
#143: Ross Seaton
#228: Chia-Jen Lo
#261: Koby Clemens
#302: Collin Delome
#309: Jay Austin
#337: Jon Gaston
#371: Kyle Greenwalt
#385: Jack Shuck
#468: T.J. Steele
#481: Sam Gervacio
#489: Jose Altuve
#507: Brian Bogusevic
#543: Jose Vallejo
#571: Chris Johnson
#596: Luca Martone
#601: Brad Dydalewicz
#602: Chad Reineke
#637: Tanner Bushue
#754: Henry Villar
#776: Polin Trinidad
#855: Chris Hicks
#865: Tommy Manzella (validity of list now in question)
#957: Telvin Nash
#1000: Dallas Keuchel
#1065: Fernando Abad
#1114: Mitch Einertson
#1112: Jonathan Mejia
#1138: Sergio Perez
#1155: Jonathan Meyer
#1205: Enderson Franco
#1206: Kilby Pena
#1229: Arcenio Leon
#1250: Leandro Cespedes
#1266: Danny Meszaros
#1277: Enrique Hernandez
#1316: Matt Nevarez
#1336: Yuri Perez
#1421: Wilton Lopez
#1442: J.D. Marintez
#1443: David Duncan
#1499: B.J. Hyatt
#1593: Mike Schurz
#1594: Evan Englebrook
#1595: Edgar Ferreira
#1635: Enrique Hernandez
#1636: Brad James
#1729: Chan-Jong Moon
#1730: Alexander Martinez
#1731: Alejandro de la Rosa
#1750: Phil Disher
#1803: Ashton Mowdy
#1885: Erik Castro
#1892: Brandt Walker
#1893: Zach Grimmett
#1924: Brian Kemp
#1925: Yorman Bazardo
#1953: Brandon Wikoff
#1957: Darwin Rivera
#1996: Garen Wright
#2018: Ben Orloff
#2023: Ronald Sanchez
#2025: Jake Goebbert
#2028: Jarrod Holloway
If you want a good read, check out the comments at the bottom of the post. Let's just take this for what it is...