How did he get here?: Drafted, 41st Round (2007)
Stats: 6'3", 210 lbs, Throws: Left
Age as of April 1, 2010: 20
Split | IP | ERA/WHIP | K:BB | BAA |
Season | 68.1 | 4.21/1.58 | 49:32 | .285 |
vs LHB | 20 | 4.50/1.05 | 21:7 | .200 |
vs RHB | 48.1 | 4.10/1.80 | 28:25 | .315 |
Home | 28 | 3.54/1.43 | 13:11 | .269 |
Away | 40.1 | 4.69/1.69 | 36:21 | .296 |
Bases Empty | 33 | x/1.73 | 33:18 | .277 |
Runners On | 35.1 | x/1.44 | 16:14 | .294 |
w/RISP | 20.1 | x/1.72 | 11:9 | .294 |
June | 11 | 1.64/1.00 | 10:5 | .158 |
July | 29 | 4.34/1.79 | 12:14 | .325 |
August | 26 | 4.15/1.38 | 23:11 | .255 |
September | 2.1 | 15.43/3.86 | 4:2 | .500 |
Season Total
K/9 Rate: 6.5
BB/9 Rate: 4.2
Groundout/Flyout Rate: 0.73
K:BB Ratio: 1.53
2009 was Pitkin's third season in the organization, and his first in Tri-City, having spent the previous two seasons in Greeneville (though pitching in only seven games in 2007). This year saw a 24.1IP jump over 2008, and with it, a 1.14 jump in ERA, and 0.22 in WHIP. His Ks were down almost 3K/9, while his relatively high walk rate stayed about the same (4.2BB/9 in 2009, as opposed to 4.1 BB/9 in 2008). Still, the increase in IPs could account for some damage, seeing as how Pitkin was 2-6 with a 5.44 ERA and a .315 BAA in his last ten games. He encountered a rough patch from July 25-Aug 5, giving up 14ER in 13IP, but those walks need to come down, and his upside-down groundout:flyout ratio needs to get on the plus side of 1:1.