Thursday, August 20, 2009

Profile on Kyle Greenwalt

Nice profile on Lexington pitcher Kyle Greenwalt, from his hometown paper this morning. And basically, he affirms the ancient maxim championed by Puff and B.I.G: Mo' Money Mo' Problems. Some nuggets:

“You’re pretty much on your own. Here’s the cash, if you want to spend it in one place, go for it. If not, it will last you the whole trip if you’re smart with it. Usually on the road trip we’ll get our cash rate the day we leave, some guys just squander it and some guys use it wisely. I’m using every penny out of it...

...Some guys are a bunch of idiots. Some guys are smarter about it. Some of the high school guys I’ve come across, as soon as they get their meal money, and we’re going on a road trip to a nice area, they’ll go to the mall and stuff and squander all their meal money and they’re paying for their food out of their pocket for the rest of the trip. Some are more mature than others, I guess you could say.”

You won't see him getting any suspensions, either. But maybe PEDs are easier to come by (and JJO is on to something):
I’m going do it the hard way. I’m going to work my [butt] off. That’s what it means to me. It’s in front of your face. But then there are other guys that don’t like to work hard, don’t like to go out and lift weights, do their running. They want to take the easy route. It’s a pretty good temptation. For myself, truthfully speaking, I’m just going to work my [butt] off. Those guys are guys you don’t want to associate yourself with anyway. In the long haul, they're not out to help you anyway.”

And then, the kicker, the annual Throwing of the Offense Under the Bus:
“I’m having a great season. Our bats here, we can’t string anything together to be honest. It’s been a rough season in that point. I’m doing what our pitching coordinator wants us to be doing. Our whole pitching staff here has been doing great. Just pounding strikes and letting them hit the ball. It’s working out well. The wins and losses, they don’t look at that. And to be honest, they don’t really look at any of the stats. It’s the improving of the pitcher. Minor leagues is not all about winning and losing and all that, it’s about building confidence in all your pitches.”

Apparently, Lancaster is not an option in 2010:
“Once spring training comes around, from what our pitching coordinator had said, he wants our starting rotation from here to be in double-A next year in Corpus Christi. I just got to get ready for that.

What is it about Lancaster?
“It’s just the wind. The air is real light, it flies out there. The wind blows 20 plus miles an hour every night to right-center field. It’s just blowing out constantly. That’s not a place to develop pitchers from what they said.”